New Wireless Data Pooling Demands Strong Mobile Optimization

Is your firm eager to explore Verizon’s new Mobile Data Pooling tiers?

Well, a word of caution before you make the plunge.

As they say, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure”, and many firms are finding that they don’t have reliable data on what their current wireless plans are costing, let alone the assurance that they have optimized as much as possible.   Thus, making the decision as to whether Data Pooling will save any money is difficult, if not impossible.

Don’t let the same thing happen to you!  If you don’t have accurate, up-to-date information on your current wireless situation, it’s time to do your homework.   Find out what you have, who has it, what you pay for it, do you need it, and how are those needs likely to change.  With that data in hand, you’ll be much better prepared to determine what new plans might best suit your environment, and what will provide the best value for the money.

And if you need help figuring that out, Valicom not only offers Wireless Optimization services, but you can also use Clearview our web-based telecom management software, to help you do it yourself.  Either way, do it now so you can make smart decisions later.