White Papers & eBooks

IS technology and telecom expense management right for you?

Our white papers are brimming full of useful information in order for you to determine the best approach to cut costs in technology and telecom expenses and gain control of your telecom expense environment. Controlling costs, reducing invoice errors and unlocking savings are just a few examples of the informational content within the following resources.

Telecom Expense Management for Insurance

How to Select the Best TEM Solution for your Insurance Firm

Organizations operate with a slim margin within their available budgets to ensure that they provide the best resources without overspending. Budgeting and cost management efforts can be severely hampered by legacy workflows, such as Excel spreadsheets, that exist within a number of businesses.

What is TEM

What is TEM?

Essentially, TEM means managing your wireless, voice and data environment to reduce risk and cost. This is a process you can do yourself or you can partner with a TEM firm to do some or all of it for you. 

Get Better Telecom Expense Management

5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Uncover Better Telecom and Technology Expense Management

Do you know if you are getting the most out of your telecom and technology budget? The truth is, you could be spending hundreds of thousands of dollars more than you need to be. 

Manage Wireless Telecom Costs

4 Ways to Manage Wireless Costs

There's no surprise that the top item on most telecom manager's minds is mobile. It seems that wireless keeps getting more and more complicated, as tablets and next generation smartphones keep piling up, and the number of devices each employee has expands. Here are top four tips, the low hanging fruit of wireless savings.

What to Look for in a TEM Partner

Based on over 25 years of business, we know what differentiates the good from the great. Download the white paper “What to Look for When Choosing a TEM Partner” to learn: signs that your current provider is not looking out for your best interests, seven characteristics to consider when choosing a new TEM partner…

The Cost of Doing Nothing

very business has mobile devices they need to manage and keep track of. Whether it’s one device or 100,000 devices. The chore that goes along with paying for these devices is a hassle to those who take care of this job in-house. When companies spend time trying to manage telecom invoices on their own, they…

5 Invoice errors you may be missing

Did you know? 35% of all telecom invoices have some sort of error in them? More often than not, organizations aren’t reviewing telecom invoices. Either because they don’t have a dedicated person, or the specialized knowledge to do so. This white paper will cover some facts and statistics about the telecom invoice errors, and five errors…

The Proactive Approach: Controlling Telecom Costs

Telecom costs often make up a business’ largest operating expense, and yet so frequently – they go totally unmanaged. Is this your story? Take the proactive approach to controlling your telecom costs. Forrester Research reported this year that 75% of businesses (across all industries) indicated that telecom expense management (TEM) is a priority...

Find Telecom Savings

How to Unlock Your Telecom and Technology Savings

We've unlocked savings in your telecom environment, and the results may surprise you. Small changes and considerations can have a big impact on your telecom spending and employee resources. In this white paper we'll outline the steps and suggestions for improving telecom processes.