Telecom Tactic #3: Invoice Processing

A major source of headaches for telecom managers is dealing with telecom invoicing.  Lots of paper =  lots of mess.  And you know you should really review those suckers EVERY time, EVERY month, but really – who has the time.

So finding a way to streamline invoice processing should be high on your list.  A few tips to make your life easier…

Telecom Invoice Management Tips

  • Paper Invoices
    • Scan them in for easy access
    • Track to summary level
  • Get electronic invoice data whenever possible
    • More data, more analysis, more automation = MORE SAVINGS
    • Process sooner, avoid late fees
  • Review variances and existing issues
    • Variances at the summary and line level are a great way to catch problems
    • Make sure you know if there are already issues with an invoice (we’ll discuss this more later in issue tracking)

Now that you know what to do, you need a place to keep all this data.  Spreadsheets will work, but not well,  so we would suggest you check out Clearview, our web-based telecommanagement software.

Want some more good telecom management tips? Register and download our white paper “Plugging the Leak:  Six Steps Towards Managing Your Telecom Expenses”