Web-based TEM provides greater access, no disruption

When considering adding a software tool to your existing telecom expense reduction activities, make sure to include web-based SaaS options in your evaluation.  Only in the past couple of years have TEM software solutionsbeen offered in a hosted model over the Internet.

Traditionally, a company has had to purchase a licensed telecom expense management software solution that often had hardware implications as well.  This has meant that a decision to add TEM software has been harder to make and has required a significant investment and support undertaking to implement.

Today however, you have the option of subscribing to a solution such as Clearview.  Clearview is a web-based, hosted TEM software tool that you can easily add to your tool set without having to purchase additional hardware or invest in expensive software licensing.

This model enables small to medium sized companies, telecom auditors and IP solutions providers to realistically consider using a software tool to properly manage their telecommunications expenses.  Check out Clearview today, and see how you can augment and improve on your expense reduction efforts tomorrow.