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What Technology is Becoming Obsolete in Your Lifetime?

What Technology is Becoming Obsolete in Your Lifetime?

New technologies often emerge slowly, existing alongside current ones. For example, in the field of communications, the telegraph didn't make the postal system obsolete. People just used them for different purposes. Similarly, newspapers used telegraphs to send and receive urgent information from reporters in the field. However, political commentary and human interest stories could be transmitted more affordably via the post office. Today, disruptive technologies do often immediate make older tech obsolete. Let's look at a few examples of technologies that may become obsolete in our lifetimes.

Quantum Computing: The Future of Data Security

Quantum Computing: The Future of Data Security

Quantum computing technologies may soon provide protection from “mega-hacks” that expose huge amounts of sensitive information, like credit card numbers, health records, and high-value intellectual property. These costly cyber attacks put pressure on military, governments, institutions, and businesses to develop new ways to keep data secure during transmission.

This article explains what quantum computing is and how it is reshaping the data security landscape. Quantum entanglement, super-positioning, and quantum key distribution (QKD) are also reviewed in order to show how quantum information science can be used to create ultra-safe networks.