All You Need To Know About WEM, MDM, and MMS

What is the difference between WEM, MDM, and MMS?

The world of technology is ever-growing. Managing wireless and mobile expenses can be a very tedious job. Businesses across the world are recognizing this challenge and adapting to the change. Today, these businesses are utilizing solutions such as wireless expense management and mobile device management to assist and find the solution that is right for their business, technology environment, and team. 

With overlap in the services of wireless expense management, mobile device management, and mobile managed solutions, many managers in search for a solution can be overwhelmed and confused by the options. Here is a breakdown of the service and what each typically offers so you can make a better-informed decision.

What is WEM?

An extension of Telecom Expense Management, “Wireless Expense Management (WEM) is the process of managing an enterprise’s mobile and wireless devices.” WEM services accurately and effectively work to find areas for improvement with control, operation, and expenses. Because these areas differ from company to company, there are various focuses of WEM, including:

  • Evaluate service coverage, plans, types of devices, and replacement costs for damaged devices

  • Match service plans to employee usage to ensure employees are on the appropriate service plans to avoid unwanted fees

  • Pool data services and determining the most cost-effective plan based on usage

  • Monitor travel outside a mobile device’s home network and proactively find cost-effective service providers, alternative technology and warn users of expenses to avoid bill shock

  • Report on individual usage and chargeback for employees to become aware of costs and reduce unnecessary usage

  • Identify unused lines and disconnected services when an employee leaves a company

  • Negotiate wireless contracts to generate cost-effective savings and flexible terms and conditions that make managing WEM easier

What is MDM?

Mobile device management (MDM) is the term used to provide workforce mobile productivity tools and applications. A typical MDM service is used when an organization is complex and offers thousands of mobile devices to its employees. Take healthcare, for example, that offers pages, cellphones, and tablets to most departments. Each device must be tracked, managed, updated, and replaced over time.

Where WEM typically focuses on asset tracking, plan optimization, invoice review/approval workflow, MDM offers the complementary services of device ordering, troubleshooting, and maintenance. Services may include:

  • Expense and user usage reporting

  • End-user device management support

  • Custom ordering catalog with approval workflow

  • Perform remote device wipe or locate device

  • Troubleshoot device issues with system access

  • 24/7 mobile device help desk

What is MMS?

Mobility managed services (MMS), MDM, and WEM are often confused because of their multiple similarities. MMS allows organizations to acquire, deliver and support various mobile devices, as well as integrate software and wireless connectivity with those devices. “MMS provides a level of control to companies supporting individual liable devices.” Think of MMS as a hybrid service option that includes the best of both WEM and MDM.

Mobility in the corporate world has become and continues to grow more important. It is a vital area that needs to be supported and managed correctly, but not many companies are equipped for such a task. So, why MMS? Some of the benefits are a team that:

  • Ensures cost-savings by doing the “busy work” required to offer mobility within a company which includes supplying the device itself, IT services for set up and upkeep, and service plans

  • Provides growth with flexibility and communication via the internet and mobile devices throughout all hours of the day

  • 24/7 help desk with a team to provide reassurance that if something were to go wrong or happen to a device, the customer will have immediate access to support

  • Transparent cost and usage. What needs to go? What needs to change? Am I getting overcharged? The MMS experts can identify areas of improvement and implement change. This also allows for internal IT teams to focus their efforts on “business-critical initiatives.”

What is the future for WEM, MDM and MMS?

As technology continues to grow and become more complex, these services are becoming more crucial to companies everywhere. Companies are acquiring these services to help them drive success and save money while doing it. To understand which mobile management solution would benefit your organization best, contact our sales team for a consultation.