Streamlining Invoice Approval with Valicom's Clearview: Ensuring Accuracy and Efficiency

Invoice approval is a critical step in any organization's financial processes, ensuring accuracy, compliance, and timely payment. However, manual invoice approval can be time-consuming, error-prone, and inefficient. That's where Valicom's Clearview TEM platform comes in, offering a streamlined solution to simplify and enhance the invoice approval process.

With Clearview, assigning approvers is easy and flexible. Approvers can be designated based on various criteria such as spend thresholds, device or service types, general ledger codes, or locations. This ensures that invoices are routed to the appropriate individuals for review, reducing delays and improving accountability.

Upon receipt of an invoice, designated approvers receive automated email notifications containing secure links to the Clearview invoice approval module. Here, they can conveniently review invoices, organize them based on relevant criteria, and either approve or decline them with just a few clicks.

Clearview's intuitive interface and customizable features make invoice approval efficient and straightforward. Approved invoices seamlessly move to the payment queue, while any discrepancies can be quickly addressed and resolved within the platform.

By leveraging Valicom's Clearview TEM platform for invoice approval, organizations can streamline their financial processes, improve accuracy, and ensure compliance. Say goodbye to manual inefficiencies and hello to a more efficient, automated, and hassle-free invoice approval process with Clearview.