IT Budget

Should You Still Be Spending Money on Faxes?

Should You Still Be Spending Money on Faxes?

Part of keeping a budget is figuring out what parts of your business are pulling their weight and which areas can afford to trim some fat. For IT, that often comes down to equipment and services. If you’re spending money on something you don’t use, it might be time to cut it from your life. For too many businesses, fax machines sit somewhere in limbo. They still get used, but can you really justify the money? You’re about to get solid answers to that question.

How Much Are Your Competitors Spending on IT?

How Much Are Your Competitors Spending on IT?

Making an IT budget seems to grow more complicated every year. Technology gets more complicated, prices change, needs change and consumers expect more for less. It’s possible to keep up with everything, but only through dedication and hard work.The first step on that journey is acquiring knowledge, so we have a detailed breakdown of IT spending trends for 2018. Learn what everyone is doing, and it can inform your decisions to help you make the most of the next year.