Telecom Expense Managemnet

What Businesses Want in an IT Inventory Management System

What Businesses Want in an IT Inventory Management System

An effective telecom inventory management system provides crucial knowledge on tracking and coordinating your physical assets and contracts. It's an investment that allows you to manage your infrastructure and control costs. In the case of healthcare companies, it can even be a matter of life and death.

Is Culture the Secret to Better Data Security?

Is Culture the Secret to Better Data Security?

According to a report by CNBC, the average American company loses $3.6 million every year to data breaches. Considering plenty of companies don’t have annual data breaches, that should help you understand how costly this problem really is. It’s vital to protect any business from cyberattacks, but there’s a component to this problem that you might be overlooking.

That same report highlighted that the leading cause of data breaches is related to employee behavior. This isn’t because you have secret spies and traitors working for you. Simple oversight and risky, passive behavior is frequently exploited by malicious entities to steal your data. No amount of security software can overcome an employee who takes work home and doesn’t secure it. So, how do you overcome the issue?

What Technology is Becoming Obsolete in Your Lifetime?

What Technology is Becoming Obsolete in Your Lifetime?

New technologies often emerge slowly, existing alongside current ones. For example, in the field of communications, the telegraph didn't make the postal system obsolete. People just used them for different purposes. Similarly, newspapers used telegraphs to send and receive urgent information from reporters in the field. However, political commentary and human interest stories could be transmitted more affordably via the post office. Today, disruptive technologies do often immediate make older tech obsolete. Let's look at a few examples of technologies that may become obsolete in our lifetimes.