Managing Cloud Expenses

When Are Free Cloud Tools Worth It?

When Are Free Cloud Tools Worth It?

Sure, you need to be on the cloud. We all understand that at this point. The harder question to answer is, which cloud should you use? There are so many options that it can be more than a little overwhelming. You want a good service that is worth what you spend, so how do you narrow your options?

The best starting point is to look at free cloud. As you suspect, free cloud services offer a lot less than their paid counterparts, but when you understand the primary differences, you get a chance to really compare services and find what works best for your business. These are the four times free cloud services are the best choice.

5 Reasons to Deploy Professional Cloud Expense Management

5 Reasons to Deploy Professional Cloud Expense Management

Is your company managing its Cloud infrastructure like a standard data center? In other words, is the IT department purchasing capacity but failing to scale the infrastructure up or down to address changing performance needs?

Although companies using the Cloud may be implementing tools essential for ensuring systems are functioning properly, they are neglecting to utilize other tools designed to take complete advantage of the Cloud's inherent flexibility and affordability. Consequently, these companies frequently come to the conclusion that the Cloud is "too expensive" and replace it with a system that is actually more expensive than the Cloud.

Boosting Productivity and Managing Cloud Expenses With TEM Software

Boosting Productivity and Managing Cloud Expenses With TEM Software

It should come as no surprise that the convergence of IT and telecommunications is now taking place faster than ever. We have known for quite some time that this convergence was going to become a common occurrence among organizations across the globe.