IT Crisis Plan

Quantum Computing: The Future of Data Security

Quantum Computing: The Future of Data Security

Quantum computing technologies may soon provide protection from “mega-hacks” that expose huge amounts of sensitive information, like credit card numbers, health records, and high-value intellectual property. These costly cyber attacks put pressure on military, governments, institutions, and businesses to develop new ways to keep data secure during transmission.

This article explains what quantum computing is and how it is reshaping the data security landscape. Quantum entanglement, super-positioning, and quantum key distribution (QKD) are also reviewed in order to show how quantum information science can be used to create ultra-safe networks.

What the Century Link Outage Tells Us About Enterprise Internet

What the Century Link Outage Tells Us About Enterprise Internet

There’s a good chance you noticed CenturyLink’s big internet outage. It wasn’t a massive news story, but it was still a topic of conversations. Enough businesses in enough locations felt the pain that it was hard to make it through the event unaware. While it might put CenturyLink on the spot a bit, this is a great case study to examine how we plan for internet downtime and derive key lessons that can protect your business in the future.

Why Every Company Needs a Crisis Response Plan Especially in IT

Why Every Company Needs a Crisis Response Plan Especially in IT

Crisis is a broad term, and it can apply to too many scenarios. Despite that, the best response to pretty much every problem imaginable is to keep channels of communication open. The best channels will of course depend on the situation, so you want to investigate the integrity of all of them.

You need to have a clear picture of what can and will knock out your email, hard-line internet, cellular connections, cans with strings attached to them and anything else you use to stay in touch within your business and with your clients.