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TEM Training Showcases Complexity of Telecom Management

I ran across an interesting article today promoting a class for Telecom Expense Management training called “Best Practices for Wired and Wireless Network Cost Control“. It is a two-day seminar that will set you back eighteen hundred dollars, and the list they cover is daunting to say the least. What it really illustrates nicely is how complex telecom expense management really is if you try to tackle it yourself.  Just as an excerpt…

By participating in this training seminar, you will:

  • Recognize how communications costs have escalated to be among the largest expenses in today’s enterprise. The control of these costs can dramatically impact your company’s bottom line!
  • Identify where to look to avoid overpaying your carrier/service providers. The dollar value due to billing errors is staggering—as much as 30% of your annual carrier spend, plus taxes and surcharges.
  • Identify best practices for controlling and reducing costs. It’s essential that you understand that components of carrier contracts and how to leverage that understanding to reduce the rates you pay. Learn how to find unnecessary lines/services, the cost-benefit analysis for replacing older data networks, and learn how to leverage IP Telephony/VOIP, video over IP, audio conferencing and Unified Communications, and how to reduce maintenance contract costs.
  • Leverage techniques for managing wireless communications—they’re much different than wired—and the best ways to handle mobile billing (corporate vs. personal) for your organization
  • Learn about the 3 most dangerous telecom trends that will affect your bottom line over the next 3-4 years.
  • Understand how cutting-edge telecom expense management practices can be leveraged in your organization based on trends in the wireless market, invoice management control and available new technologies.
  • Dramatically reduce your communications services costs. Improved efficiencies can be achieved during procurement that can save you as much as 65%; you can realize savings of up to 50% via better, smarter audit procedures; reduce your costs of managing network expenses by up to two-thirds.
  • Understand the best Telecom Expense Management (TEM) practices and learn about the available products. Compare selected TEM vendors, products, and services.
  • Manage and create a self-service environment for allocation and execution of costs back to departments on a monthly basis,
  • Demystify all of the steps involved for implementing telecom audits and TEM in your organization,
  • Identify the best ways to establish baselines and consolidate carrier billing for your organization.


Don’t know about you, but I got tired just reading that, and the syllabus continues in great detail about the tasks and challenges facing today’s telecom manager.  I’m sure it is a helpful class, but it also illustrates why so many of our clients chose to outsource telecom expense management.  Our Telecom Audit Teams have years of experience doing all this stuff, every day, for mid-size to enterprise clients.  We don’t have to learn it, we know it.  And the results we can deliver in day to day telecom and wireless management or telecom contract negotiation prove the point.

So if you think you’re in the market for a telecom expense management class, you may also want to pick up the phone and look into the telecom expense management software and telecom audit service offerings we have.  Get it off your plate and spend your time doing something you’re already good at…