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What is TEM?

But seriously, what is TEM?

A question we get again and again is – what exactly is involved in telecom expense management? The answer is two-fold.

Professional Services: Someone does the heavy lifting for you. This team of TEM experts receives and processes your invoices. They perform cursory audits, looking for errors and finding charges that just don’t belong. Depending on your level a needs, these experts can manage an RFP for contract renewal, inventory management, invoice review and processing.

SaaS: Getting the right tools in your toolkit might be more your speed.  We’ve found organizations with millions of dollars of telecom spend using Excel sheets to manage their expenses. What!? It’s the reason we built Clearview, our web-based TEM tool. It allows us to give the keys to our clients, so they can manage their invoices, cost allocation, and contracts.

Today we’re sharing our latest Slideshare resource, ‘What is TEM?’. We made the presentation to assist you in understanding the pieces that make up active telecom expense management, and the steps you can take to embark on you TEM journey.
