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BYOD Resources

There’s been an influx of interest in BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) lately. Whether for the workplace or in educational settings, there are many considerations to be made for these devices. Which devices will be allowed, how will these devices be used, and how much ‘pain’ will be tolerated from a expense standpoint?

We’ve posted previously on data pooling and why wireless optimization matters so much, but what other decisions will you face once you allow employees to furnish their own mobile devices? Arm yourself with knowledge of the options and policies available.

Here’s a quick round up of wireless resources that we love:

How to Get a Grip on BYOD Expenses – FedTech, by Craig J Mathias

“While bring-your-own-device initiatives remain controversial in some quarters, there’s little doubt that BYOD will ultimately become the dominant vehicle for provisioning mobile devices and services in organizations everywhere.

Users appreciate the freedom of choice that comes with BYOD, as well as the reduced number of devices they need to carry, charge and manage. Properly executed, BYOD can enhance IT staff productivity and minimize IT budgets. One key element of an end-to-end mobility strategy is to establish a mechanism for reimbursing users for expenses associated with purchasing and using mobile devices in part for work purposes.”

Read two tips for better wireless expense management >>

Wireless Optimization

Are you considering BYOD at your organization? Or perhaps your wireless environment (monitoring devices, billing, usage) has become a bit too much to handle. If you’re having trouble determining which devices are being used and how much, it might be time to tap into a wireless optimization expert at Valicom. We can help make suggestions to better control your wireless costs, BYOD or otherwise.